Since this is my first post here I promise you that my blogs in the future will be much shorter and contain information related specifically to diet and health. Prior to this I had been a contracted blogger for http://blog.nutritiondata.com/dieting_weight_loss_blog/blog_posts_by_elaine/ over three years while maintaining other professional nutrition consulting positions including my own nutrition business, "Weigh To Health." I just want you to know I have the qualifications and the years of experience (and was once overweight myself) to back up the information I give you.
My first experience in direct weight loss experience started in the early 1980s and in the 1990s I obtained my certifications and internship as a Diet Counselor, Nutrition Educator and Nutrition Consultant from Bauman College.
My own weight loss story literally revolved around my weight. I have maintained a 30 pound weight loss for, well, let's just say a very long time, over 20 years. My first diet was when I was as an adolescent and about 30 pounds overweight. I was just “fluffy” as a good friend termed it. The problem was, the struggle with weight issues didn’t end until I was almost 40.
I had two personalities. One was addicted to large quantities of unhealthy food, (I also had some unrecognized emotional issues which exacerbated the problem) and the other persona was the perfect dieter who measured and weighed everything, counted every calorie, ate all the “right” foods, and exercised regularly.
However, I never learned about balance to maintain my weight. It was “all or nothing.” And, it wasn’t about health, just appearance. It takes some maturity to realize just how much health really does matter.
The good news is that it is hard to diet without learning a little about nutrition. Finally I went beyond “dieting” nutrition and sought in-depth nutrition education to enhance my health.
Today, working with patients, I see the same dieting patterns over and over again, the same endless frustration, desperation, the black and white relationship with food, the desire for the weight to be gone RIGHT NOW, and of course dealing with all the misinformation pedaled by the diet industry. Being overweight is epidemic, and a concern that if not corrected frequently leads to heart disease, diabetes and a whole gamut of other proven related health conditions.
My thinking is that if I can succeed then others can do it too. I am passionately dedicated to helping others achieve not only their weight loss but all that goes with it, including optimum health. My biggest passion is helping those still struggling with the same challenge. (I am currently working for a bariatric doctor in the Silicon Valley, California.)
Readers, tell me what your weight concerns are. Later this week I'll start revealing more about "Diet Mojo for Weight Loss!"