Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Mushrooms, Vitamin D, Diabetes and Weight Control

Mushrooms are the only plant source which provide a natural occurring  vitamin D 2 precursor, a plant sterol, ergosterol (although vitamin D3 is still the preferred form for best absorption). The Berkeley Wellness Letter learned that the Monterey Mushroom Company and Dole are producing enhanced vitamin D content in their mushrooms through exposure to ultraviolet light in the growing process, similar to how humans obtain vitamin D from exposure from the sun on the skin. 

Since vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin and usually accumulates in body fat, this makes it less available to other parts of the body. Several studies have confirmed the link between adiposity and vitamin D deficiency. Other research has identified an inverse association between vitamin D status with diabetes and metabolic syndrome. Having adequate vitamin D can improve insulin sensitivity and may assist with weight loss in those who have insulin resistance. Consequently when blood sugar is controlled adequately there is also less hunger and cravings. More and more health benefits are being revealed regarding vitamin D’s major significance related to immunity protection, including protection from various forms of cancer as well.

Most health experts are suggesting 1,000-2,000 mg. in supplemental form, (preferably vitamin D3) if you are not in the sun very much. I suggest being tested before ingesting larger mega doses amounts. The FDA needs a dire update in the RDA's which were established in the 1950's, in vitamin D and other nutrients as well. Most doctors, knowledgeable in nutrition, believe in at least 1,000 mg. daily for optimal health even if your levels are adequate.

Monday, July 4, 2011

Declare your Freedom from Fat!

We are well into summer and all that it entails including the social outings with B-B-Q's, drinking and fun in the sun events. The annual 4th of July holiday is no different.

Is the "party" in the mouth when social events ideally should be "people" events?  So how do you make these holidays fun without the added calories of excess food? You start with avoiding food as entertainment.

Delight in the people around you. Engage them in more activity rather than sitting exclusively by a snack table. Play games in the yard with badminton, frisbee or volleyball. Even card games (minus the bowls of junk food around). If you are traveling, walk on the beach, hike in the forest and be the tourist, viewing sights you have never experienced.

There will always have to be food around so learn to focus on the fresh harvest of great tasting fruits available at this time of year with juicy watermelon,  sweet cherries and healthy blueberries to replace all the gooey desserts. Instead of strict dieting strive just to maintain your current weight loss and practice the age old "mindful eating" making it a point to focus on the sight, smell and real flavor of food by chewing everything slowly and savoring each bite. Declare your freedom from overeating and be happy with yourself when you face the scale later in the week.

And don't forget the real reason we have a 4th of July which came about because of all the valiant efforts of American leaders, both past and present,. they deserve the real salute of honor.