I’ve always liked the word mojo but what does that mean? Mojo is defined as: “the art or practice of casting magic spells; magic; voodoo.” How in the world can I claim “diet mojo for weight loss” you may be asking? Well, I can. You know why? Because each person really does have the “mojo” deep inside to lose and maintain weight loss no matter how daunting it might seem or how many times you have failed. I’m here to help you find that mojo. The key is that you really have to first "believe" you can. Without that belief it will never happen because you will never have the drive, energy, or willingness to overcome the challenge. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve seen people have success because they really believed they could.
An example of a person who really believed in himself is Thomas Edison. They say it took him over 10,000 times before he invented the light bulb. (Other sources indicate he was the first to develop an incandescent bulb that lasted over 1500 hours, long enough to light a home.) He believed in his own ability to accomplish this amazing phenomena and if you read my other blog at Nutrition Data, at http://blog.nutritiondata.com/dieting_weight_loss_blog/2010/05/finding-peace-with-your-food.html . html Einstein had another important quality called persistence, still another crucial mojo a person needs for weight loss success. This is all part of the magic required for anyone who really wants to genuinely lose weight.
Readers what do you consider mojo for weight loss?
ReplyDelete"The key is that you really have to first "believe" you can."
And it sure helps to be supported by people who also believe in you.
Unfortunately, when people seek help from their medical professionals, they often are told that they cannot succeed on their own, and that they will need a lifetime of things like statins, diuretics, blood thinners, hypertension medications, and diabetes meds. Medical schools need to teach doctors to support their patients' efforts.
I couldn't agree more!- I'll do a blog on this one next week for sure! It's certainly good "food for thought." - Elaine