Sunday, May 30, 2010

Freedom from Overeating

I have a term called the “weekend mentality of dieting.” Actually it can be applied to special occasions, vacations, birthdays, and just about anything else. What it boils down to is an excuse for going off your eating plan. This weekend is no exception so I thought I’d better mention it because with it brings its own temptations regardless of what you are doing. When a person is out of his regular routine mistakes with food just happen. Unfortunately for most people this entire holiday means just another day off from a tedious work week, school is almost out until the fall, family vacation might be near, and of course with all this in mind, more eating to socialize around with.

So I'll give you this “food for thought”:
“Memorial Day is a day to remember why we enjoy our freedoms, which have been bought and paid for by our many veterans. Those veterans who have given their last measure of sacrifice for their country…… It has taken dedication and patriotism to make our country what it is. Although America may not be perfect, it is still the best place on earth. No other country enjoys the same freedoms we have - but it came at a great, great cost to many.” – Michael Ciric

We have to make minor sacrifices to be free from obesity and disease by making healthier food choices or at the very least not indulging with excessive amounts of unhealthy foods. Freedom from excessive eating is called quality of life and good health, free from disease and multiple daily medications. Be grateful for the freedoms we should take for granted.


  1. I really like your new blog. (I followed you over here from your old blog.)

    Jim Purdy
    The 50 Best Health Blogs

  2. Hi Jim,
    Thanks for folowing me over. I just can't stop spreading good nutrition!-Elaine
