Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Get Sick, Gain Weight

Even though the cold and flu season is really ending there are still  a lot of people coming down with colds. Turns out that according to a medical review catching a cold may actually triple weigh gain! It's called the AD-36 virus. According to some research this particular strain “may increase the number of glucose receptors, causing them to grow bigger in size and number."

So be prepared, always have some frozen home-made chicken soup ready in your freezer for when a bug strikes. Then you won't be headed for the “comfort” foods high in sugar carbs which incidentally, only weaken your immune system more. Just don't make it an excuse to eat even more.

Stay healthy to begin with by eating healthy whole grain foods, lots of fresh fruits and veggies and avoiding simple excessive carbs, sugary foods and fruit juices (even juices are just mostly sugar).

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