Thursday, April 14, 2011

New Food Law a Hoax?

Recently the Food and Drug Administration required it law that menus at chain restaurants and retail food sellers have to have nutritional labeling on their food items. Supposedly this will provide consumers to make healthier food choices. But, by some fluke of the law movie theaters are excempt from this law because  they are "selling"  entertainment as the main function not selling food.…so they say. 
It’s scary because when you see what people consume at the movies you would think the FDA would use some common sense. You get “free" refills with sodas with every LARGE popcorn, not to mention nachos soaked in heavy fat laden cheese, hot dogs (mostly fat based) and large, very large sized boxes of candy. We’re talking tons of carbs and saturated fat, the two biggest causes of heart disease and diabetes already epidemic worldwide. What's worse is that that forbid you to even bring your own snacks in. It must have something to do with the fact that one third of a movie's revenue is in the food.

For more of the actual statistics on calories and how this law was passed over for movie theaters, click here.

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