Tuesday, August 3, 2010

"We don’t see things as they are. We see things as we are."- Anais Nin

I ran across the above quote and immediately thought of numerous dieters who are so critical of their weight loss efforts.

For example when a client comes in and she’s “only” lost a pound, she right away says, “Well I didn’t follow my plan very well, I didn’t drink enough water and I only exercised two times this week.” This person is only seeing herself through her own filter. I see that she was still trying, she got in more than half the amount of water she usually consumes and she still exercised rather than doing nothing at all! Sure there was room for improvement but I also see that there was some definite areas of work being done! (And I also see an entire pound of fat gone; visualize a pound of butter!)

All I’m saying here is not to beat yourself up when you don’t have a perfect week (it’s a moving target anyway). Look at all that you did that  was right. And, as I’ve said to many a client, what did you learn  this week and would you change anything next time?

Readers what are your thoughts on this?

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