Thursday, March 31, 2011

Coping with Cravings - 2

For awhile now I've been discussing cravings and specifically  I've been discussing how to cope with them directly. Here are a few more:

6. Some people are just in the habit of snacking. Define if your "craving" is just that or determine if you are just the type who enjoys small amounts of food at a time. So make them healthier snacks instead.  Have an apple with a cheese stick,  raw vegetables with hummus,  fruit with a small handful of nuts, even a mini bag of popcorn can fill in some gaps
7. When you’re in the grip of a strong craving, it’s hard to think rationally and remember all the things you’re supposed to. So writing yourself some instructions on a small index card can be useful. Then use it!

8. Anxiety, anger, frustration and and all those emotional situations promote the most intense "cravings". Learn some relaxation techniques and stress diffusers.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Coping with Cravings - 1

The last few blogs have dealt with cravings but here are some even more proactive things you can actually do to get your mind off cravings:

1. Distract yourself, especially if your craving is an emotional one and if it's about something you cannot possibly control. Set a timer and then if you still have the craving indulge if you must. But chances are if you wait it out and set a timer for 10-15 minutes your mind will be on something else by the time the timer goes off.
2. Just do something else, take a quick walk, read a good book, journal your feelings or calling a friend can help.
3. Try drinking more water or herbal teas in particular, because they actually contain things that are good for you and it won't be as likely to trigger insulin as artificial sweeteners in diet drinks may have.  (Incidentally it is easy to confuse hunger with thirst!)
4. Try chewing gum if you need to chew something. Be aware though, for some chewing gets the digestive juices flowing so know how this affects you personally.
5. Craving sugar or chocolate? Make a chocolate protein shake. You can also use sugar-free (use stevia to sweeten; it's from a plant source) protein hot chocolate in your blender, or make a fruit, water, and ice smoothie.  Another trick is to freeze a ready made protein shake, open the carton, and eat with a spoon. It takes a lot longer to eat, and you'll feel like you're eating ice cream!

More later!

Saturday, March 26, 2011

National Nutrition Month

March is National Nutrition Month. More than ever we live in a world that needs good nutrition. Diabetes, heart disease, cancer and many other diseases are epidemic and more than ever studies are relating obesity to these health issues.

 I have to say after going back to school and learning real nutrition I was even more convinced  how obesity could possibly be related to other health conditions. I was already  personally enmeshed with the emotional aspect of weight issues but when I really saw the physiological problems that are associated with weight it made me even more passionate about what I do and have never looked back  for over 20 years.

My message then for this month is if you have struggled with your weight all your life (like I had), been on every diet in the world and just tired of the battle, get the help you need with it professionally, now. If it’s emotional eating get counseling. Get tested for your thyroid by BOTH a medical and holistic health care provider. Get your vitamin D level tested. (Check here to see how it relates to weight). And don’t forget to get your blood profile and glucose tested for diabetes or insulin resistance. If it's behavioral modification and changing eating habits get a qualified nutritionist who deals with these types of behaviors.

As I’ve repeated many times before, weight loss is an extremely multifaceted problem, so find your solutions and never, ever give up because your life just may depend on it! 

Thursday, March 24, 2011

And More Cravings...

Another type of craving has to do with emotions. For people under duress food is one of those "go to things" for a stress buster. It raises serotonin in the brain (especially carbs) and it relieves the anxiety. The trouble is it doesn't fix the problem. It's only a band-aid for what's really going on.

To get rid of this kind of cravings it’s imperative you find anther outlet for the stress or find the solution to the problem if possible. Pinpoint the feeling, address the need and the “craving” will go away. It has nothing to do with the food, it's about fulfilling an unsatisfied need or even the need for control over a situation you have no control over. So, bottom line you either discover and deal with the need directly or learn to "let go" of what you cannot control. Easier to say than to do, especially if  food is where you've always gone to to deal with stress and emotions.

Later I’ll go into some techniques on how to deal with cravings.

Monday, March 21, 2011

More on Cravings

A few weeks ago I started discussing cravings. Today I’ll expand on the topic.There are so many kinds of cravings sometimes it’s challenging to decipher exactly where they are coming from.

One type of craving frequently occurs just because it’s there! For example you may not even think of eating cookies but if your daughter is selling Girl Scout cookies you’ll see them all over your house and probably “crave” them just because they are there! Put them out of sight and you probably won't crave them, or at least as much.

That’s what I call an environmental craving. If certain certain foods are in your immediate sight of course  you’ll “crave” them just because they are "calling your name!" Same thing at the movies, the minute you walk in and you smell the popcorn you’ll want it. Or walk by a bakery and what do you see? …all kinds of goodies. Will you start craving something, a resounding yes! See it and you'll usually crave it, very simple.


Friday, March 4, 2011

Food Cravings

One of the biggest challenges a person can have with dieting involves overcoming cravings. But, to deal with cravings you first have to understand a few things about them. My next few blogs will cover some aspects that you need to really look at closely as to why you have a craving.

The first and most important thing is to consider is ALWAYS eat breakfast! Many sip coffee instead but skipping this first meal of theday may play havoc with blood sugar in a big way leaving you hungry and ravenous at lunch and even into the evening.  Note too much caffeine (in any form) can give you a false sense of energy only to drag you down later with a droopy blood sugar, leaving you hungry and feeling sluggish, zapping you both physically emotionally and physically, and probably more vunerable to eating poorly.

Studies have proven that when breakfast is consumed people lose weight better and keep the weight off.  If you currently do not eat a good breakfast eater, start small and work up. For example eat a cheese stick (instead of a carbohydrate source) for a few days. Then add in a small serving of fruit. Keep adding in more protein choices until you get up to at least two to three ounces of lean protein. The older you are the more important protein is becomes because our body systems do not work as efficiently and lose muscle mass more easily.

Don’t forget to eat three balanced meals a day and a healthy snacks in between meals, especially if you have a long stretch from lunch to dinner.