Saturday, March 26, 2011

National Nutrition Month

March is National Nutrition Month. More than ever we live in a world that needs good nutrition. Diabetes, heart disease, cancer and many other diseases are epidemic and more than ever studies are relating obesity to these health issues.

 I have to say after going back to school and learning real nutrition I was even more convinced  how obesity could possibly be related to other health conditions. I was already  personally enmeshed with the emotional aspect of weight issues but when I really saw the physiological problems that are associated with weight it made me even more passionate about what I do and have never looked back  for over 20 years.

My message then for this month is if you have struggled with your weight all your life (like I had), been on every diet in the world and just tired of the battle, get the help you need with it professionally, now. If it’s emotional eating get counseling. Get tested for your thyroid by BOTH a medical and holistic health care provider. Get your vitamin D level tested. (Check here to see how it relates to weight). And don’t forget to get your blood profile and glucose tested for diabetes or insulin resistance. If it's behavioral modification and changing eating habits get a qualified nutritionist who deals with these types of behaviors.

As I’ve repeated many times before, weight loss is an extremely multifaceted problem, so find your solutions and never, ever give up because your life just may depend on it! 

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