Thursday, March 24, 2011

And More Cravings...

Another type of craving has to do with emotions. For people under duress food is one of those "go to things" for a stress buster. It raises serotonin in the brain (especially carbs) and it relieves the anxiety. The trouble is it doesn't fix the problem. It's only a band-aid for what's really going on.

To get rid of this kind of cravings it’s imperative you find anther outlet for the stress or find the solution to the problem if possible. Pinpoint the feeling, address the need and the “craving” will go away. It has nothing to do with the food, it's about fulfilling an unsatisfied need or even the need for control over a situation you have no control over. So, bottom line you either discover and deal with the need directly or learn to "let go" of what you cannot control. Easier to say than to do, especially if  food is where you've always gone to to deal with stress and emotions.

Later I’ll go into some techniques on how to deal with cravings.

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