Friday, March 4, 2011

Food Cravings

One of the biggest challenges a person can have with dieting involves overcoming cravings. But, to deal with cravings you first have to understand a few things about them. My next few blogs will cover some aspects that you need to really look at closely as to why you have a craving.

The first and most important thing is to consider is ALWAYS eat breakfast! Many sip coffee instead but skipping this first meal of theday may play havoc with blood sugar in a big way leaving you hungry and ravenous at lunch and even into the evening.  Note too much caffeine (in any form) can give you a false sense of energy only to drag you down later with a droopy blood sugar, leaving you hungry and feeling sluggish, zapping you both physically emotionally and physically, and probably more vunerable to eating poorly.

Studies have proven that when breakfast is consumed people lose weight better and keep the weight off.  If you currently do not eat a good breakfast eater, start small and work up. For example eat a cheese stick (instead of a carbohydrate source) for a few days. Then add in a small serving of fruit. Keep adding in more protein choices until you get up to at least two to three ounces of lean protein. The older you are the more important protein is becomes because our body systems do not work as efficiently and lose muscle mass more easily.

Don’t forget to eat three balanced meals a day and a healthy snacks in between meals, especially if you have a long stretch from lunch to dinner.

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