Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Did you Get Off Track?

So how did you do over the holiday weekend with your food? It's always a challenge resisting food and maintaining motivation whether it's a regular weekend or a holiday event. Food is well, just everywhere and everyone is seemingly eating more than they should. So how do you battle the bulge yourself?

But understanding your challenges and then being proactive is the answer to your weight loss woes especially after a lapse.
Before you can do any of this though is that you have to first and foremost forgive yourself no matter how you ate. You will never be a success  unless you do. All you can do from this point on on is to go forward; learn and I mean really learn from your mistakes,  then make the commitment to change what you did, and start again. Numerous people fail hundreds of times before they finally succeed......so can you. Just make sure this time is the last time.

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