Friday, July 16, 2010

Ways to Plan

This week I have been discussing the importance of planning so I thought I'd share a few a few of my own personal ways of planning. So here are a few:

1. I plan both my lunches and dinners two days at a time. That leaves me with just a few menus to deal with. From there I write out my grocery list and shop accordingly, always once a week, no matter what!  (It's gotten so easy over the years I can almost do it in my head although I still write it out to refer to during the week.) It if you want to just plan four days at a time make your planning two times a week the priority.
2. I make my meals as simple, yet tasty as I can.
3. I keep a list of my recipes/plans in a convenient binder in a special spot in the kitchen.
4. I periodically add to my list for variety.
5. I always have a back-up plan, or "Plan B."

Again readers, share, share and share your great ideas with us. Even non-dieters get into these ruts about what to have for lunch and dinner...and that's one more excuse to go out to eat and eat too much of something else simply because we get bored with our own food choices.

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