Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Post Holiday Diet Thinking

During a holiday weekend there are frequently relapses with weight loss. But honestly it’s part of the process. As I said many times before, you just cannot afford the luxury of a negative thought, so forgive yourself and get back on track right now if you haven’t already.

But, if the negative message hurling in your head is always, "I just can’t do it." then what you are really saying is that you don’t really want to make the commitment and do the work involved to be successful. Sorry if that sounds a bit harsh but it’s the reality. And you need to hear it from someone who has been on the weight loss journey and you need to hear it from a professional. I’m both. (See my first blog., "A Passion for  Nutrition and Weight Loss.")

So, if you did great over the weekend, I applaud each and every one of you. If you didn’t do well learn from your mistake.  Now go forward with a stronger belief of real focused intent that you really can be successful like thousands before you! 

And here's more proof. What these people did is no different from what I tell you most of the time but the evidence is coming from other people just like you.

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