It's well into February. How have you done with your New Year's Resolution? I'm sure many of you have gotten ahead and are moving forward.but I'm also sure of you some of you are lagging and still procrastinating.
When I think of procrastination I think of an old blog I read (I can't remember the author). “It’s a dream destroyer. It's like a big bomb exploding violently on our personal goals. The things we deeply cherish go . Boom!!! After the explosion, all that's left is regrets. Regrets make us tremble inside. It's an internal earthquake that leaves us feeling empty deep inside our core.”

The answer to procrastination is focus and being pro-active with the changes you need to make to be successful long-term. With these elements in mind you will regain your health, your fitness level, your self-confidence and self-esteem. Reread some of my older blogs SMART goals if you need to start taking those first few steps.This is your choice!
Readers, please share how you over came your procrastination in this area. I haven't heard from many of you in awhile!
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