Saturday, December 18, 2010

Healthy Eating while Shopping - 1

The following tips can be applied any time of year but they are even more important during the holidays because eating healthier reduces stress by keeping blood sugar level lower,  maintaining energy,  keeping your immunity strong and of course managing your weight. Eating an adequate breakfast with 2 to 3 ounces of low-fat protein with a serving of fruit or complex carbohydrates is a must during the holiday season. Missing this meal automatically sets you up for overeating later.


Then consider a healthy snack later during the day, whether morning or afternoon. Make it a combination of protein and complex carbohydrate (either fruit and something with whole grain.). This will prevent you from grabbing the holiday cookies or candies that may be lurking around and keep your blood sugar stable.

Make sure you think ahead and plan out a healthy option for lunch (whether you bring it along or are eating out. Then make sure you consume it at lunch time rather than mid-afternoon when you might be more tired, hungry, vulnerable to overeating and make the wrong choices.  If you are shopping bring it along in a cooler. Bringing your own lunch, (while at work or shopping) is the best way to lower calories throughout the day. In a few days I'll continue with better eating habits while out shopping or out for the day.

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