Thursday, December 30, 2010

Keeping New Year's Resolutions

The other day I started the infamous topic of  New Years resolutions. Today I have some more thoughts to guide you in terms of what you may need in guidance with: planning menus, shopping, food prep, socializing, stress, physiological and psychological complications and then let's not forget the component of exercise. Where does a person even begin? Hence the importance of finding someone to help you figure out how to do all this in a sane manageable way that personally fits within your lifestyle. (Read my blog from 10/14/10 for a great story on the importance of getting help!)

If you still insist on doing it your way, then as I mentioned the other day it's important to really figure our the error of your ways once and for all and then actively change them. You may have to keep searching for ways to find your solutions but if you never give up you won't fail. Many people lose weight on their own but also lose numerous years in the process when trying so hard to find their own solutions.

When I finally got the help I needed with my emotional eating I got to the root of the problem. I became sane with food, lost the weight and kept it off for over 20 years. My wish is that all you can find your solution to your resolution this year and truly make it a Happy New You this year!

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