Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Do you Overeat at Dinner?

There are lots of reasons why a person overeats a dinner but recently the European Journal of Clinical Nutrition discovered that when a person consumes a healthy serving of fish at lunch, the amount consumed at dinner is 11% less. They attributed this to consuming a healthier protein intake. While this certainly could be true, as a professional nutritionist I believe it might be more than just that.

 It has to do with eating enough good quality protein to begin with and keeping the carbohydrate level on the lighter side. It’s the carbs that produce insulin and insulin drives blood sugar up and then plummets down rather quickly, if too many carbs are consumed. Protein also takes more energy (pumping up metabolism) and taking more time to digest resulting in feeling satisfied longer.

So eat fish, especially the omega-3 wild salmon for those healthy fats  but consuming lean protein (less than 3 grams of fat per ounce) in particular would probably work almost as well.  A moderate amount of carbs isn't bad. (Check out my earlier blogs for what single servings really consist of.)  And don’t forget a healthy serving or two of those veggies!

Readers what keeps you from over eating at dinner?

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