Saturday, September 25, 2010

Tired of Drinking Plain Water?

I have to say even I get tired of drinking plain water all the time so I have some alternatives.  But you still have to drink the original eight too. Nothing replaces pure water which detoxifies like this elixir.

Sparkling and flavored waters are a bit different and a nice treat now and then, but do check the calorie count and watch for artificial sweeteners (they can actually make you crave sweets more). I know "Vitamin' waters are popular, but honestly they are just hyped up drinks. They just don't have enough vitamins to do you much good and they frequently have added sugar. "Smart Water" is truly a clean water with added minerals which everyone needs more of anyway and gives it a nice fresh taste. Diet There is absolutely nothing good about them although in moderation its fine. There is just nothing in them that gives you any health benefit at all.

Personally I love all the flavored green teas out there, hot or cold. And no calories! There are so many great flavors and they offer nutrients that actually benefit your health, keep your sweet tooth at bay and make you feel like you are getting a treat. Green teas have a bit of a thermogenic (fat burning) effect so they actually help you burn up a few extra calories too, great for us waist watchers!

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