Sunday, September 5, 2010

Exercise Made Fun

Some people just have a tough time working exercise into their daily routine so today you get a  FUN  blog/video on exercise, and  I'm also offering a free $25 gift certificate sponsored by CNS Stores, no strings attached. (Details are below the video.) They has over 200 online stores where you can find everything from  Dining Room Setscookware and yes, even exercise equipment. 

I could give you dozens of  ideas for exercise but the best tip for working exercise into your daily life is to make it pleasurable and fun. It works better than doing something you hate because you just won't continue to do it very long.

And you know the old saying to take the stairs instead of the elevator? Well here's an example of making that even fun! Just view it below:

For the reader who gives the best idea on how he/she makes exercise fun, CNS will give that person a free $25 giveaway from their stores, absolutely no strings attached. So readers give me your best ideas here and I'll annouce the winner next week. (Note:Winners are not allowed to announce anything on Facebook.)

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