Saturday, September 4, 2010

Watch for the Holiday Mentality

I thought I should bring this up as we are approaching one more long holiday weekend. Many dieters get off track on weekends, vacations and special occassions because they adopt what I call a "vacation" mentality of dieting. This means they give themselves permission to eat whatever they want. This can potentially make you gain a lot of weight back and may even ruin your holiday.

What I suggest is to learn to taste something (and enjoy it) as long as it doesn't set you up for overeating. Total deprivation does not work for a lot of people. This can be a debatable issue for sure, but do what works for you. Just remember though how you want to feel stepping on the scale the day after your holiday. Will if be worth it if you gain or maintain, or how important is to to you to still lose? The choice is always yours and sometimes it is worth it and sometimes it's just not. Note too, if you have really been eating "clean" your body may rebel and you just won't feel real good eating too much rich food.

Readers what's your take on this issue?

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