Saturday, September 18, 2010

Can Thin People become Diabetics?

Lately we have been hearing a lot more about how sugar is dangerous to our health. Let me clarify though, it’s the excessive sugar (and processed carbs) in our day to day consumption which leads to being unhealthy. One issue of course is that too many sweets lead to being overweight. While this is certainly true, some people can get away with eating a lot of sugary items and still not be overweight. While they may appear healthy this does not mean they will remain that way forever (unless of course they just have great genes).

New research from JAMA suggests too much sugar can still cause diabetes even if a person does not have excess weight. Sugar is playing havoc with the pancreatic cells that secrete insulin. Our pancreas is not made to handle large amounts of concentrated amounts of refined sugar on an ongoing basis. Eventually the body rebels and we develop diabetes, overweight or not!

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