Tuesday, September 21, 2010

A Multi for Weight Loss

 In a small study with women in China, those who took a multi while on a normal diet actually lost about four pounds after six months. Another study found similar results. Apparently women taking the supplements felt less hungry. Weight loss has already already been linked with calcium intake, increasing weight loss by 60%.  Although, this seems to work best by women who weren't getting enough of the mineral in the first place.  

Angelo Trembly, an obesity researcher from Laval University of Quebec City suggests you need a vitamin because when the body is low on specific nutrients it turns up the appetite, making you want to eat more to get the nutrients you may be missing. We ideally want to get our nutrients from real whole fresh food as much as possible but when you are dieting you may get short chained, so it’s especially important to take a multi-vitamin then. I also suggest purchasing a high quality one from a reputable health food store, not your grocery store or pharmacy. Generic vitamins frequently contain supplements with a lot of binders, fillers, food colorings and other additives that make it harder for your body to assimilate. 

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