Tuesday, January 25, 2011

B12 and Weight Loss

With all the hoopla over low vitamin D levels, many people do not realize  health problems may be associated with B12 deficiencies too. Most people think vegetarians are the only ones who are at risk but people over 60 are especially at risk.  It’s been estimated than one in four of our population is low in this important nutrient.
So what happens when we are low on vitamin B12? One of the biggest issues is low energy levels and lower mental alertness.(That sure doesn't help when a person wants to focus on weight loss).  It also has an effect in normalizing homocysteine levels for a healthy heart and it’s a great support for stress, sleeplessness and even the immune system. But particularly important B12 deficiency may affect  people with weight issues and having diabetes.  B12 supports converting carbohydrates into a usable form of energy and converting fat into energy. So despite any clinical evidence it may help you lose weight.
The older you get the more likely you are to have a vitamin B12 deficiency.  The two ways that you become deficient in vitamin B12 are from not getting enough in your diet and from losing the ability to absorb it. As you age and/or consume more unhealthy foods from the Standard American  Diet (SAD) your stomach may lose its ability to produce hydrochloric acid which induces the release of B12 directly from food.
Using a lot of antacids, acid blockers or anti-ulcer drugs will also lower your stomach acid secretion and decrease your ability to absorb vitamin B12.  Infection with Helicobacter pylori, (a common contributor to stomach ulcers) can also result in vitamin B12 deficiency. 
 Sometimes a situation occurs when  your stomach lining loses its ability to produce what they call the intrinsic factor, a protein that binds to vitamin B12 which allows your body to absorb it at the end of your small intestine.
The answer then may be to take digestive enzymes and/or hydrochloric acid to help you absorb B12 or even taking sublingual forms and/or injections that are more readily absorbed by the body. Just refer to a qualified health professional for advice before just randomly taking it. All vitamins work together like an orchestra and if one is out of tune you know what happens to the melody!

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