Tuesday, January 11, 2011

SMART Goals Defined -3

 Today we are fishing up on SMART goals as related to weight loss. The R in SMART goals stands for realisitic. You have to be honestly willing and actually able to do the work involved even if you need a litle help to attain it. Sometimes you may set a goal that is much too high so make it do-able but also realize if it’s a bit of a stretch it may make it more of a motivator for you. You must also believe in your heart you really can accomplish it and that’s where many a dieter fails with self-sabataging thinking and resulting failure.

Realize thousands have lost weight before you and you can too. If you have tried and failed too many previous times before, you might examine the possiblility of having a medical condition or an unresolved emotional concern that needs to be addressed professionally. You need to explore these areas ahead of time under the question of what situations exist that challenge you?

The T in Smart goals means timely. It speaks for itself. A goal should a specific time frame with a few extra weeks allowed for unexpected setbacks (they will happen, they are just part of the process so do not beat yourself up when they occur; it will only set you back further).  Without a definite time there's no sense of urgency. You have to set both your unconscious and conscious mind into motion. They work together. Write your goal down!

So if you haven’t started by now, what are you waiting for?

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