Saturday, January 22, 2011

It's Official!

Well it's finally official. Fat is no longer the biggest enemy as far as gaining weight. Just don't overdo as it still contains a lot of calories and too many calories of anything can still pack weight on.  According to Dr. Walter Willet, chairman from the department of nutrition at the Harvard School of Public Health, "Fat is not the problem. If Americans could eliminate sugary beverages, white bread  pasta, white rice and sugary snacks, we would wipe out almost all the problems we have with weight, diabetes and other metabolic disease." Actually most breads, even whole grain breads, pastas and the like are still pretty processed and should be consumed sparingly in my opinion.

I do have to agree though, what he talks about is pretty much true.  In moderation, those things can be a small part of a person's diet. I've never been one to believe in total deprivation so now and then you might indulge, but again, do it in moderation and don't do it everyday. It's what you do 85% of the time that matters. My clients usually do well with 40%-50% total carb intake (this includes fruits, veggies, dairy and starches total). Athletes probably need more of course.

Readers what do you think?

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