Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Real Food for Real People

Bruce Weinstein and Mark Scarbrough have a new book, Real food Has Curves: How to Get Off Processed foods, Lose Weight, and Love What You Eat (article  from San Jose, CA Mercury News) This book is saying things that I have been speaking out about for years, eat REAL food (not processed ones).

I don’t know what  the authors have in nutrition degrees as they are chefs and writers, but I was surprised how they said real juice is freshly squeezed juice not made from concentrated or bottled orange flavored drink. I do agree with that part and I love the idea they are promoting real foods in our diets, but I had to disagree about the juice part on one level. Juice is still not the whole fruit. All you are getting extra is the fresh enzymes and nutrients at the time of drinking it immediately after the juicing. That's not bad but most people in general feel juices are super healthy and just like real fresh fruit. By eating the entire fruit you are getting fiber and much more nutrients. These guys are trying, but remember unless you really can afford those extra calories from freshly squeezed juice,  you are still just getting basically the sugar from the fruit. For better health (and weight loss) eat the whole fruit.

They also made a good point about label reading with ingredients on a label….what are “flavorings” and “spices?” It makes me ponder. What are the manufacturers hiding?

They also talked about fresh tofu being ok (but in my opinion use only the organic unless it specifically states it’s not genetically modified; much of it is). I’m certainly with them by not encouraging the public to consume all the genetically modified tofu used for fake tofu sausages, lunchmeats and the like.

Just remember fresh is always best and if you have to buy pre-packaged items, read the labels carefully.  Some out there are ok but you still have to watch them with a critical eye.

Readers tell me what you think!


  1. I definitely agree about the juices – I think you might as well drink soda! I'd much rather eat a piece of fruit – I'd rather chew my calories than drink them.

    As far as processed foods, I try to stay as natural as possible, but in today's society, something has to give sometimes. I spend a ridiculous amount of time cooking and preparing food already (2-3 hours a day, on average), and that is WITH using some processed foods. If I were to go entirely processed-free... well, I'd have to quit my job. And then where would the money come from to buy all those natural, unprocessed foods?

    I would love to live in utopia, too, but it just isn't possible.

  2. Hi Molly,

    I too spend time making fresh foods but also implement healthy "processed" foods in the mix; it doesn't ALWAYS mean they are bad but some are definitely not worth consuming at all; that's why it's so important to read labels very carefully! Keep up your great work! -Elaine
