Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Binge Eating Defined

The other day I started sharing some information from a recent seminar on "Food Addictions." Today I want to share even more on binge eating really is.

Binge eating is now a formal diagnostic disorder met with specific criteria:
  1. Recurrent episodes of binge eating, designated by a discrete period of time consuming an amount of food which is definitely larger than most people would consume in similar circumstances along with a definite lack of control during that episode.
  2. Binge eating occurs at least 2 days a week, every week for 6 months without intervention of any compensatory behavior.
  3. Binge-eating is associated with at least 3 of the following: Eating more rapidly than usual; eating till uncomfortably full; eating extreme amounts of food when not physically hungry; eating alone because of embarrassment by how much is being consumed; feeling disgusted, depressed or guilty after overeating.
  4. Marked distress because one is binge eating. 
  5.  Note: Although not  a specific criteria, binge foods are typically high in fats and sugar, or often both.
Later this week I’ll share some solutions to this problem.

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