What he is basically saying here is that we get caught up in the "shoulds, ought to's, could have's" and so on. But what does it really leave you with? Regrets? Beating yourself up?
Well today's a new day, right? So stop any negative thinking now and go forward. What did you learn? What will you do next time? We have three weeks now to plan for Thanksgiving. In-between that we probably have a dozen or more other social events around food.
So be bold, stop thinking of the past and decide, really decide today that you will take positive action steps in the weeks ahead. A synonym for the word "decide" is: to "determine, settle, rule, or resolve." In other words you will take action against making old similar mistakes. Make a game plan and stick to it! Need help, I'm here remember? And, honestly, you actually have all the Diet Mojo you need right in your own head. The answers are there, you just need to decide to find them and then ACT on them!
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