Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Thanksgiving Holiday Alert

Thanksgiving alert! This is the traditional time for eating triathlons! Today I'll work on a few little hints you can start practicing now that only take a minute to do. Keep doing them through the months ahead to keep you focused on your weight loss goals, healthy eating or even just maintaining your weight when  food is constantly taunting you!

Look at yourself in the mirror every morning and give yourself a little positive pep talk. This can help you anytime of year because let's face it, there are always social occasions revolving around food anyway.

When you look in the mirror, honestly ask yourself, what is your priority at this time of year with the upcoming events? Do you want to enjoy some extra food and just maintain or do you want to continue to lose? Or how happy would you be gaining?

Just note you will be faced with a lot more temptations than usual and be realistic about what your goal will be. The important thing though is just to truly commit yourself to a real decision here. Maintain or gain? (Or lose?)

Lastly,  how will you feel if you over-do? How will it feel if you maintain? If you can just think about these few things it may be enough to keep you from overdoing any eating event! Think about the long term consequences of your actions.What is it that you really want?

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