Saturday, November 27, 2010

Holiday Recovery

Well, readers how did you do over Thanksgiving? Are you proud of yourself for a job well done or beating yourself up?

For those of you who did well, fantastic! It takes a lot to be controlled with so much tasty food around. For those of you who were not as successful think of this quote by Thomas Edison: "I never failed once. My invention just happened to be a 2,000 step process." It took Edison that many times to invent the light bulb!

 I found this this wonderful inspiring article by Bill Larson. The crux of his thought is that "Failure is unavoidable and part of the process." He talks about weight loss and other stories of failure and success. He quoted Edison further, "Do not fear mistakes. You will know failure. Continue to reach out." Think about how we believe we won't have setbacks from time to time. It's just plain unrealistic that we won't have mistakes from time to time, especially at social events.

Larson goes on to say, "No matter what your goals in life, the highest peaks of success follow the lowest valleys of failures." Well put. So you won't always overcome every temptation but if you never give up you'll eventually succeed!

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