Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Prepare Ahead of Time - NOW!

This week I started discussing things about preparing yourself for the holidays and focused on specific problem solving your challenges during the months ahead (remember all these strategies can be useful any time of year too!!!)

Here are some things you can do ahead to be organized so you can actually prioritize more on your weight loss efforts than just the holiday things everyone has to do before hand.

- Start your holiday shopping now. Do it online if it makes things simpler, but just start it especially if it requires mailing packages away to another state or country. At the very least figure out what your gift options are for the people you buy for..
-Wrap your presents.. Avoid waiting until the last minute.
-Start your baking if you must (chew gum while you bake and do it while your will power is strong in the morning rather than in the evening), then wrap and freeze. Better yet buy the goodies pre-packaged to avoid the temptation of eating them.
-Buy, sign and address your holiday cards and get them ready to mail.
-Make any homemade items that you are giving away or consider store bought gifts this year.
-Make some healthier meals ahead of time and freeze them so you have some meals ready to consume during the more chaotic days ahead. Your planning with food has to be even more of a priority now.
- Keep a cooler in your car with healthy snacks especially while you are out shopping.

Readers, any other suggestions?

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