Saturday, October 30, 2010

Happy Halloween!

Here's a few things to focus on instead of just eating candy on Halloween. The idea is to have fun on this holiday not just eat too much candy and feel sick that night and have a "candy hangover" the following day. Here's an interesting little history about the Jack-'o-lantern.

Jack-’o-lanterns have been around for decades. The story is obviously about a man named Jack. Jack invited the devil for a drink at the local bar but Jack didn't not want to pay for his drink, so he made a deal with the devil. The devil turned himself into some coins, but instead of paying for the drink, Jack kept the coins. Later freeing the devil, he promised to change him back if he did not steal his soul. Upon his own death, God would not let Jack into heaven because of his past and the devil would not let him into hell. Instead, the devil gave Jack a piece of coal, which Jack placed into a turnip. The legend goes that Jack used the turnip and coal to light his way around as he looked for a final resting place. 

Now that's a story you can tell your kids! Keep your Halloween Happy by staying on track with moderation. review my "tricks" from earlier in the week!

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