Saturday, October 2, 2010

Another Slant on Low-Carb Dieting

Many a dieter swears by low-carb dieting because how quickly  he /she loses weight. While this seems true in many cases, there are always differences in how each person responds to a low-cab eating plan. As a professional nutritionist I rarely advocate an extremely low-carb meal plan and if I  suggest a lower carb plan  it's rarely  below 40%-50% of a person's total caloric intake, especially if a client is being treated for depression. (By carbs I am referring to all carbs: fruits, veggies, grains, and even dairy. YES, these are carbs too!) Carbohydrates create mood-boosting serotonin important for a good mood , appetite control, and adequate sleep. Lack of carbs can disrupt any one of these things.

In fact Australian researchers did a study with both a low-fat and a low-carb diet for a year, each group losing the same amount of weight.  I'm not saying  low-carb carb is bad, but strive for balance and if  you are already being treated for depression it may not be the best kind of diet for you. And it's always a good idea to keep simple refined carbohydrate intake low. Opt for whole grains, beans, fruits and veggies for both weight loss and good health.

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