Saturday, October 9, 2010

Breaking Unhealthy Eating Habits

We usually have "bad" eating habits for a reason. We get some kind of pleasure from them even though we may not always be overtly aware of it. Here's a little trick if you are taunted with things around the house you shouldn't really be having around (you have them because of your spouse or kids, which by the way excess junk food isn't good for anyone anyway, heavy or not).

Brian Wansink, Ph.D., author of Mindless Eating, states that "Habits, become that way (pleasurable) because they provide value to a person." To change the habit, take away the value.

He suggests putting a rubber band around your wrist. Every time you engage in your negative behavior, snap it--and snap it hard! Simple as it sounds, this works. According to Dr. Wansink, "It's a quick way to pair non-reinforcing behavior with the behavior you want to stop."

You just have to commit yourself to giving yourself that snap when you need it. Or allow your kid to do it and I gurantee you'll break the habit!  Ouch!

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