Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Mushrooms, Vitamin D, Diabetes and Weight Control

Mushrooms are the only plant source which provide a natural occurring  vitamin D 2 precursor, a plant sterol, ergosterol (although vitamin D3 is still the preferred form for best absorption). The Berkeley Wellness Letter learned that the Monterey Mushroom Company and Dole are producing enhanced vitamin D content in their mushrooms through exposure to ultraviolet light in the growing process, similar to how humans obtain vitamin D from exposure from the sun on the skin. 

Since vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin and usually accumulates in body fat, this makes it less available to other parts of the body. Several studies have confirmed the link between adiposity and vitamin D deficiency. Other research has identified an inverse association between vitamin D status with diabetes and metabolic syndrome. Having adequate vitamin D can improve insulin sensitivity and may assist with weight loss in those who have insulin resistance. Consequently when blood sugar is controlled adequately there is also less hunger and cravings. More and more health benefits are being revealed regarding vitamin D’s major significance related to immunity protection, including protection from various forms of cancer as well.

Most health experts are suggesting 1,000-2,000 mg. in supplemental form, (preferably vitamin D3) if you are not in the sun very much. I suggest being tested before ingesting larger mega doses amounts. The FDA needs a dire update in the RDA's which were established in the 1950's, in vitamin D and other nutrients as well. Most doctors, knowledgeable in nutrition, believe in at least 1,000 mg. daily for optimal health even if your levels are adequate.

Monday, July 4, 2011

Declare your Freedom from Fat!

We are well into summer and all that it entails including the social outings with B-B-Q's, drinking and fun in the sun events. The annual 4th of July holiday is no different.

Is the "party" in the mouth when social events ideally should be "people" events?  So how do you make these holidays fun without the added calories of excess food? You start with avoiding food as entertainment.

Delight in the people around you. Engage them in more activity rather than sitting exclusively by a snack table. Play games in the yard with badminton, frisbee or volleyball. Even card games (minus the bowls of junk food around). If you are traveling, walk on the beach, hike in the forest and be the tourist, viewing sights you have never experienced.

There will always have to be food around so learn to focus on the fresh harvest of great tasting fruits available at this time of year with juicy watermelon,  sweet cherries and healthy blueberries to replace all the gooey desserts. Instead of strict dieting strive just to maintain your current weight loss and practice the age old "mindful eating" making it a point to focus on the sight, smell and real flavor of food by chewing everything slowly and savoring each bite. Declare your freedom from overeating and be happy with yourself when you face the scale later in the week.

And don't forget the real reason we have a 4th of July which came about because of all the valiant efforts of American leaders, both past and present,. they deserve the real salute of honor.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

New Food Law a Hoax?

Recently the Food and Drug Administration required it law that menus at chain restaurants and retail food sellers have to have nutritional labeling on their food items. Supposedly this will provide consumers to make healthier food choices. But, by some fluke of the law movie theaters are excempt from this law because  they are "selling"  entertainment as the main function not selling food.…so they say. 
It’s scary because when you see what people consume at the movies you would think the FDA would use some common sense. You get “free" refills with sodas with every LARGE popcorn, not to mention nachos soaked in heavy fat laden cheese, hot dogs (mostly fat based) and large, very large sized boxes of candy. We’re talking tons of carbs and saturated fat, the two biggest causes of heart disease and diabetes already epidemic worldwide. What's worse is that that forbid you to even bring your own snacks in. It must have something to do with the fact that one third of a movie's revenue is in the food.

For more of the actual statistics on calories and how this law was passed over for movie theaters, click here.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Get Sick, Gain Weight

Even though the cold and flu season is really ending there are still  a lot of people coming down with colds. Turns out that according to a medical review catching a cold may actually triple weigh gain! It's called the AD-36 virus. According to some research this particular strain “may increase the number of glucose receptors, causing them to grow bigger in size and number."

So be prepared, always have some frozen home-made chicken soup ready in your freezer for when a bug strikes. Then you won't be headed for the “comfort” foods high in sugar carbs which incidentally, only weaken your immune system more. Just don't make it an excuse to eat even more.

Stay healthy to begin with by eating healthy whole grain foods, lots of fresh fruits and veggies and avoiding simple excessive carbs, sugary foods and fruit juices (even juices are just mostly sugar).

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Bone Health and Dieting

For years, calcium, magnesium, vitamin K and vitamin D have been the “big guns” when it comes to improving bone health but now strontium, a trace mineral is finally getting better known for its bone benefits.

According to the Berkeley Wellness letter it’s given by prescription in Europe but here it's sold as a supplement. Note this is NOT the chemical radioactive form of strontium associated with nuclear weapons.

Apparently the human body uses it similarly to calcium. The research has been done in Europe and the studies indicate some promising results, especially with osteoporosis but not enough is known yet about long term safety results. Some manufacturers state it should not be taken at the same time as calcium either. It sounds like more research needs to be done on this trace nutrient but in the meantime get it naturally from whole food sources like whole unrefined grains, leafy greens, spinach, sea-food and root vegetables.

So eating more healthy foods not only helps you lose weight but may save your bones too. Many dieters compromise their bone health through severe fad like dieting without making sure they are getting adequate nutrition. Always include a high grade multi-vitamin, a good calcium complex, which includes the nutrients mentioned in the first paragraph, and a high grade fish or flax oil. Don't forget to remember non-dieters need all these nutrients too. Even if you eat healthy it's still impossible to get everything you need because of the way food is produced today.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

"The Royal Diet"

Well, yet another diet has hit the public – "The Royal Diet"  sounding simply like another version of a low-carb diet. It is called the Dukan diet formulated by Pierre Dukan  from over 10 years old but picking up new popularity due to the pending publicity of the upcoming nuptials of Prince William to Kate Middleton.
In a nutshell the diet is this,  four phases:
  1. The "Attack" phase promises immediate results by consuming only lean meat, fish, eggs and plenty of water.
  2. The "Cruise" phase alternates those pure protein days with some veggies
  3. The "Consolidation" phase, you can introduce some fruits and starches.
  4. The final phase, "Stabilization," promises you can eat whatever you want, except on Thursdays, when you go back to protein only.
So the real question, is this a sound healthy diet? Generally low-carb diet results will be quicker but not usually sustainable for long term unless there are true lifestyle changes, just like with any other diet.  Anyone can do something for a short period of time but if it’s truly not something you can live with  reasonably on a day to day basis  it's still just another fad diet. And many can lose weight easily enough but keeping it off is always the real challenge. Most people can benefit from lowering their level of carbs but everyone still has a different level of carb tolerance and should honor it. Reader's what do you think?

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Tea for Weight loss?

There’s a lot of buzz now about tea and its health benefits but did you know that green tea and black tea tend to dominate the scene?  Herbal teas are used throughout the world for  traditional healing practices.  And did you know there is a difference between herbal tea and “real tea?” 

Real tea is made from the leaves of a single plant, the tea bush (Camellia sinensis). Green tea, black tea, white tea and oolong tea are all considered to be real teas. The only difference among  them has to do with how it is processed.

Herbal teas, as the name implies, are produced from any number of different herbs and combination of herbs. Unlike “real tea,” which is only brewed from leaves, herbal teas can be prepared from steeping the leaves, stems, flowers, roots, bark or rhizomes of the particular herbs.

In terms of  weight loss some small studies do suggest (Matcha is particularly good for you) green tea in particular is a good thermogenic tea, meaning it helps burn fat more effectively. There is a bit of research on oolong tea too that states it may help weight watchers. But remember like anything else you still have to have healthy eating and exercise habits. Amazon carries a 
nice variety of almost any kind of tea even so-called "dessert teas."

Pure filtered Water is the ideal beverage for weight loss from a nutritional  point of view but I also know people need variety and better choices can certainly include these teas in particular, not just from a fat burning perspective but because of the other health benefits these teas offer compared to sodas, juices, and other artificially flavored drinks. 

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Coping with Cravings - 2

For awhile now I've been discussing cravings and specifically  I've been discussing how to cope with them directly. Here are a few more:

6. Some people are just in the habit of snacking. Define if your "craving" is just that or determine if you are just the type who enjoys small amounts of food at a time. So make them healthier snacks instead.  Have an apple with a cheese stick,  raw vegetables with hummus,  fruit with a small handful of nuts, even a mini bag of popcorn can fill in some gaps
7. When you’re in the grip of a strong craving, it’s hard to think rationally and remember all the things you’re supposed to. So writing yourself some instructions on a small index card can be useful. Then use it!

8. Anxiety, anger, frustration and and all those emotional situations promote the most intense "cravings". Learn some relaxation techniques and stress diffusers.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Coping with Cravings - 1

The last few blogs have dealt with cravings but here are some even more proactive things you can actually do to get your mind off cravings:

1. Distract yourself, especially if your craving is an emotional one and if it's about something you cannot possibly control. Set a timer and then if you still have the craving indulge if you must. But chances are if you wait it out and set a timer for 10-15 minutes your mind will be on something else by the time the timer goes off.
2. Just do something else, take a quick walk, read a good book, journal your feelings or calling a friend can help.
3. Try drinking more water or herbal teas in particular, because they actually contain things that are good for you and it won't be as likely to trigger insulin as artificial sweeteners in diet drinks may have.  (Incidentally it is easy to confuse hunger with thirst!)
4. Try chewing gum if you need to chew something. Be aware though, for some chewing gets the digestive juices flowing so know how this affects you personally.
5. Craving sugar or chocolate? Make a chocolate protein shake. You can also use sugar-free (use stevia to sweeten; it's from a plant source) protein hot chocolate in your blender, or make a fruit, water, and ice smoothie.  Another trick is to freeze a ready made protein shake, open the carton, and eat with a spoon. It takes a lot longer to eat, and you'll feel like you're eating ice cream!

More later!

Saturday, March 26, 2011

National Nutrition Month

March is National Nutrition Month. More than ever we live in a world that needs good nutrition. Diabetes, heart disease, cancer and many other diseases are epidemic and more than ever studies are relating obesity to these health issues.

 I have to say after going back to school and learning real nutrition I was even more convinced  how obesity could possibly be related to other health conditions. I was already  personally enmeshed with the emotional aspect of weight issues but when I really saw the physiological problems that are associated with weight it made me even more passionate about what I do and have never looked back  for over 20 years.

My message then for this month is if you have struggled with your weight all your life (like I had), been on every diet in the world and just tired of the battle, get the help you need with it professionally, now. If it’s emotional eating get counseling. Get tested for your thyroid by BOTH a medical and holistic health care provider. Get your vitamin D level tested. (Check here to see how it relates to weight). And don’t forget to get your blood profile and glucose tested for diabetes or insulin resistance. If it's behavioral modification and changing eating habits get a qualified nutritionist who deals with these types of behaviors.

As I’ve repeated many times before, weight loss is an extremely multifaceted problem, so find your solutions and never, ever give up because your life just may depend on it! 

Thursday, March 24, 2011

And More Cravings...

Another type of craving has to do with emotions. For people under duress food is one of those "go to things" for a stress buster. It raises serotonin in the brain (especially carbs) and it relieves the anxiety. The trouble is it doesn't fix the problem. It's only a band-aid for what's really going on.

To get rid of this kind of cravings it’s imperative you find anther outlet for the stress or find the solution to the problem if possible. Pinpoint the feeling, address the need and the “craving” will go away. It has nothing to do with the food, it's about fulfilling an unsatisfied need or even the need for control over a situation you have no control over. So, bottom line you either discover and deal with the need directly or learn to "let go" of what you cannot control. Easier to say than to do, especially if  food is where you've always gone to to deal with stress and emotions.

Later I’ll go into some techniques on how to deal with cravings.

Monday, March 21, 2011

More on Cravings

A few weeks ago I started discussing cravings. Today I’ll expand on the topic.There are so many kinds of cravings sometimes it’s challenging to decipher exactly where they are coming from.

One type of craving frequently occurs just because it’s there! For example you may not even think of eating cookies but if your daughter is selling Girl Scout cookies you’ll see them all over your house and probably “crave” them just because they are there! Put them out of sight and you probably won't crave them, or at least as much.

That’s what I call an environmental craving. If certain certain foods are in your immediate sight of course  you’ll “crave” them just because they are "calling your name!" Same thing at the movies, the minute you walk in and you smell the popcorn you’ll want it. Or walk by a bakery and what do you see? …all kinds of goodies. Will you start craving something, a resounding yes! See it and you'll usually crave it, very simple.


Friday, March 4, 2011

Food Cravings

One of the biggest challenges a person can have with dieting involves overcoming cravings. But, to deal with cravings you first have to understand a few things about them. My next few blogs will cover some aspects that you need to really look at closely as to why you have a craving.

The first and most important thing is to consider is ALWAYS eat breakfast! Many sip coffee instead but skipping this first meal of theday may play havoc with blood sugar in a big way leaving you hungry and ravenous at lunch and even into the evening.  Note too much caffeine (in any form) can give you a false sense of energy only to drag you down later with a droopy blood sugar, leaving you hungry and feeling sluggish, zapping you both physically emotionally and physically, and probably more vunerable to eating poorly.

Studies have proven that when breakfast is consumed people lose weight better and keep the weight off.  If you currently do not eat a good breakfast eater, start small and work up. For example eat a cheese stick (instead of a carbohydrate source) for a few days. Then add in a small serving of fruit. Keep adding in more protein choices until you get up to at least two to three ounces of lean protein. The older you are the more important protein is becomes because our body systems do not work as efficiently and lose muscle mass more easily.

Don’t forget to eat three balanced meals a day and a healthy snacks in between meals, especially if you have a long stretch from lunch to dinner.

Friday, February 25, 2011

Calorie Burn

The other day I discussed how some foods burn more calories than others but I also want to mention a few other factors regarding burning calories to lose weight.

Even though these foods might help burn a few more calories on a daily basis you still have create the overall calorie deficit of about 500 calories a day to lose a pound of fat every week. I want to mention here that exercise ALONE will not help you lose weight as a general rule. (For example, a 155 pound person burns about 155 calories walking at 3.5 miles an hour for 60 minutes. You still need to cut back on some calories to make up the 500 calories deficit a day to lose that one pound a week.)

Also more research is coming in almost daily relating to the weight loss and health benefits of lower carb plans in general. Most people do well on about 40-50 total carbs daily (Note this includes fruits, vegetables, a little dairy and a few whole grains daily). Some people may be even more carb sensitive. Many websites and apps have ways to help you figure this all out.

I'm also a firm believer that real whole foods compared to processed foods in the diet are much more effective  when losing weight. It's a strong pattern I've seen over all the years I've helped people losing the pounds.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Are all Calories Created Equal?

Are all calories really created equal? I still adhere to basic physics and the Law of thermodynamics that to lose weight you still have to take in less calories to lose weight but I also believe some foods do have the capacity to burn a few more calories than others. 
They are foods like lean meats, whole cooked grains like oatmeal or brown rice, small amounts of nuts, and of course my old time favorites, fruits and vegetables. They contain more filling fiber (except meat; although generally it is a more satiating food anyway) so you eat less and obtain more nutrition that your body requires to lose weight. Some are just spicy.
I’m sure you have heard of energizing foods like coffee, green tea and even dark chocolate! Caffeine does help your body burn a few more calories but don’t over do as it can be hard on the adrenal glands  when consumed excessively. Green tea contains catechins which raise metabolism by about 4% or so. Dark chocolate also contains caffeine and catechins but do watch how much you consume because it still has a lot of calories. Spicy foods like peppers, cinnamon, garlic, cloves mustard, vinegar and even capsaicin supplements (from spicy peppers) can burn more calories. (Always check with your doctor before adding ANY SUPPLEMENTS to your diet.)

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Toxins and Weight Loss

Did you know weight loss can be slowed down if there is just too much toxicity and inflammation in the body? Although not clinically studied and verified I've just seen too much of this over the past 20 years to see it happen. Things like the below research is a good example of how even just plain perfumes can cause problems topically. 

 “According to the University of Gothenburg's Faculty of Science which be presented at the dermatologist conference in Gothenburg, states  fragrances can become activated upon contact with oxygen. These activated compounds  may cause a contact dermatitis in a susceptible portion of the population.The researchers found that those who suffer from eczema are very prone to experiencing a dermatological reaction to a variety of these fragrances once these chemicals are exposed to air.

 This doesn’t  even cover how they may affect you internally. The skin is an organ that will take in substances almost as easily by mouth.

 If you are experiencing reactions with fragrances try pure essential oils diluted with a pure carrier oil, although some people can even be sensitive to these, but at least the body knows how to detoxify them. (A quality healthy food store can direct you with this.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Belly Fat and Vitamin D

Can vitamin D help you lose weight? With all the weight loss fads and gimmicks it’s hard to sort out everything but it seems there might be some validity to it, according to Shalamar Sibley, a researcher from the University of Minnesota Medical School.

“In a very small clinical study of 38 people, Sibley found that higher baseline levels of vitamin D predicted fat loss, especially in the abdominal area.” So besides possibly helping you with your immune system and bone density it just may assist  you in the war against fat too. With belly fat being the most dangerous kind of fat this is even a bigger bonus!

 I personally know several doctors who test routinely for vitamin D and according to them most people are coming up short when it comes to vitamin D. One doctor is a pediatrician who states he’s only known two children that came out in the normal range after testing hundreds of children. Vitamin D3 is the form to take, " is 87 percent more potent at raising vitamin D blood levels than vitamin D2, according to a study in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism. Vitamin D3 also produces a 2- to 3-fold increase over D2 in the storage of the vitamin."

Just always get tested to see what your real levels are to be on the safe side.

Monday, February 14, 2011

A Healthy Heart - 2

Happy Valentine's Day. Besides loving your significant other take care of your own health by having a healthy heart and a healthy life! 

A few days ago I started discussing ways to improve your heart health (and your weight!) Here are more top tips:
5. Watch sodium intake. A diet high in sodium can lead to high blood pressure, especially over time. 1500 mg. is a safe amount even though some authorities recommend limiting sodium intake to 2300 mg. per day. If you are eating out a lot and consume excessive amounts of processed foods you probably exceed this
6. Limit your intake of sweets and refined carbohydrates. 
Foods that are high in sugar and processed carbohydrates (watch labels that say they are low in fat; they can still contain high amounts of carbs, artificial sugars and sodium. 15 grams of carbs equal one serving of starch.) These foods interfere with blood sugar balance and may increase the risk of heart disease and diabetes. New studies have now proven that trans fats/ hydrogenated fats and refined carbohydrates/sugar  are major culprits working against having a healthy heart instead of exclusively saturated fats from animal sources. But still consume saturated fats in moderation.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

A Healthy Heart - 1

Since  it's February it’s Valentine's month but it's also the month which brings attention to taking care of your heart. Here's a few pointers to start with:
1. Lose weight if you are overweight. It's still one of the biggest health risks for heart disease. 
2. Eat real unprocessed food. It contains adequate fiber. Fiber fills you up and satisfies you more so you eat less. and it helps with toxification vital to all health functions.
3. Real food has fiber but  contains
 numerous other important nutrients needed for a healthy heart. Fruits, vegetables and cooked whole grains are your best sources. By consuming these foods you will have a diet rich in antioxidant nutrients, phytonutrients and plant sterols (plant fats) that help protect your heart. Eat at least five servings of colorful vegetables. (Actually numerous health authorities are suggesting nine to eleven servings a day!) Work on getting a variety of colorful veggies daily. Color means more nutrients.
4. Consume healthy fats. A diet rich in monounsaturated fats can help lower cholesterol and blood pressure. Monounsaturated fats are olive oil, olives,  avocados, and nuts such as almonds and peanuts. Use these as your primary sources of fat. Just note they are calorie dense. Use Mayo Clinic's diabetic exchange list to determine serving the appropriate serving sizes. Fish like salmon, macheral, and sardines are also rich in the omega-3's and heart healthy fats.

More later this week.

Thursday, February 10, 2011


It's well into February. How have you done with your New Year's Resolution? I'm sure many of you have gotten ahead and are moving forward.but I'm also sure of you some of you are lagging and still procrastinating.

When I think of procrastination I think of an old blog I read (I can't remember the author). “It’s a dream destroyer. It's like a big bomb exploding violently on our personal goals. The things we deeply cherish go . Boom!!! After the explosion, all that's left is regrets. Regrets make us tremble inside. It's an internal earthquake that leaves us feeling empty deep inside our core.”

For years I was held in its snake-like grip of death around my weight issues. It stole my soul, it emptied my checkbook (tried and failed diet programs) and came close to destroying my health. Luckily. I finally "came to" and made the needed changes in my life to lose and then maintain my weight now for 20 years.

So just what will happen if you don't star making some changes change?  How will you really feel being in this exact same place two years from now? Five years from now? Are you honestly willing to accept the consequences of what not taking action will result in? So are you just going to remain right where you are feeling stuck and hopeless? 

The answer to procrastination is focus and being pro-active with the changes you need to make to be successful long-term. With these elements in mind you will regain your health, your fitness level,  your self-confidence and self-esteem. Reread some of my older blogs SMART goals if you need to start taking those first few steps.This is your choice!

Readers, please share how you over came your procrastination in this area. I haven't heard from many of you in awhile!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Post Holiday Diet Thinking

During a holiday weekend there are frequently relapses with weight loss. But honestly it’s part of the process. As I said many times before, you just cannot afford the luxury of a negative thought, so forgive yourself and get back on track right now if you haven’t already.

But, if the negative message hurling in your head is always, "I just can’t do it." then what you are really saying is that you don’t really want to make the commitment and do the work involved to be successful. Sorry if that sounds a bit harsh but it’s the reality. And you need to hear it from someone who has been on the weight loss journey and you need to hear it from a professional. I’m both. (See my first blog., "A Passion for  Nutrition and Weight Loss.")

So, if you did great over the weekend, I applaud each and every one of you. If you didn’t do well learn from your mistake.  Now go forward with a stronger belief of real focused intent that you really can be successful like thousands before you! 

And here's more proof. What these people did is no different from what I tell you most of the time but the evidence is coming from other people just like you.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Are you Ready for the Weekend Game?

It's an unending challenge isn't it? Taunting food and socializing never goes away and since you will obviously have food around with your friends and family why not have healthy options around? Or if you are going to someone else's home bring something  you won't feel guilty about eating.

What are your plans to stay on track this weekend with your food plan?  Review Thursday's blog for some safe ideas if you are at a loss as to what to do. And  here’s some calorie facts if you don't plan ahead...  It’s been estimated that the average American population consumes 15,000 bags of chips and 12 million pounds of avocados for dip (per the California Avocado Commission) for this football event alone! Are you ready for some math around calories and food?

Fifteen normal potato chips are usually equal to about eighty calories. Two level tablespoons of just plain mashed avocado (without any added mayonnaise added in) account for about fifty calories. So if we just have 15 chips and only one level tablespoon of avocado on each chip that’s about 375 calories for that particular snack alone! That’s equal to a small meal in and of itself. Add a few beers and that's another 300 calories or so. Should I add the pizza, nuts, high fat chili, or anything else that might be sitting around during the game?
All I’m saying here is to practice moderation, especially if you are trying to lose weight. Enjoy the game but don't use it as an excuse to be excessive.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Super Bowl Snacks Without the Guilt!

Here are some easy great tasting recipes, both low-carb and low-calorie recipes for those who want to indulge a bit on Sunday during the big game. Remember protein satisfies better and refined junky carbs just make you want to keep eating more of the same. You can actually work these better recipes directly into your food plan without going over your food budget for the day with a little planning ahead.

Caprese Skewers
Cherry tomatoes
Mozzarella balls (Safeway)
Fresh basil

Put one mozzarella ball, one basil leaf and a cherry tomato on a skewer. Continue making skewers until you have enough for your company. Place on platter, then drizzle with balsamic vinegar and salt and pepper to taste.
Note: 8 cherry tomatoes equal 1 veggie serving and 1 oz. of cheese is 1 protein)

Chicken Sausage Bites
Sundried tomato and basil
Smoked apple chardonnay
Spicy Jalapeno
Sweet Italian
(Usually available at Trader Joe’s; they are all lower in fat compared to regular sausage. Low-fat really is 3 grams of fat per ounce so there are probably other sausages out there that meet this criteria.)
Grill sausage, slice into bite-size pieces. Place in small bowls with assorted flavors of mustards for dipping. Use toothpicks to pick your options. Note: 2 links worth of bites equal 5 protein servings, one ounce each.

Onion Dip
Fage 0% fat-free yogurt (or fat-free Greek yogurt; it's very thick and creamy!) 
1 package of Lipton Onion Soup mix
1 teaspoon of Worcestershire Sauce
Mix together all ingredients and serve with assorted veggies.

Enjoy! Don't forget to eat breakfast so you do not get overly hungry by the time you are ready for snacks!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Preparing for Super Bowl Sunday

This coming Sunday marks another holiday Super Bowl event. Over 93 million people will celebrate watching it! How many of you are currently dieting at the same time? Start getting both mentally and physically  prepared for Sunday right now now rather than waiting to the last minute to be "coached." You know what's right for you.

Just like in football I'm here to offer a mindset so you can follow through with what you feel  is appropriate for your big win over excess food intake. It's based on one of Benjamin Franklin's quotes: "The constitution only guarantees the American people the right to pursue happiness. You have to catch it yourself."

You can still have a great time and choose to eat moderately and feel good about yourself. You don't have to deprive yourself. Or, you can decide to eat too much and feel both physically and emotionally bad about your choices. Very simply put this is really your choice alone and it doesn't have to be black or white. Use any one of the numerous websites available to determine your maintenance calorie allotment and go with that in mind.  Pretend Sunday is a "dress rehearsal" for maintenance, the real game for long term success. Use  those  websites that offer useful lower calorie yet tasty recipes and "catch" the ball of happiness you are truly seeking for your health and weight! 

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Metabolism Boosters - 2

Earlier in the week I started discussing ways to increase your metabolism. Here are some more:
Consider Caffeine (in moderation!)— I’m not real wild about this one as a regular way to boost your metabolism because excess amounts of it on a regular basis it can deplete your adrenals  and cause problems with blood sugar.  If you’re already tired all the time or have a low thyroid this should not be a viable option as a metabolic booster. It will only worsen your fatigue in the long run.
You also have to consider caffeine and  timing with your sleep, because inadequate sleep can actually decrease your metabolism and make you more vulnerable to overeating. Caffeine can definitely keep you up at night and disrupt your sleep cycle.
Build More Muscle— It’s a known fact lean muscle mass boosts your metabolism, especially when the larger muscles like your quads and hamstrings are developed. They are the bigger muscles, hence they will boost metabolism more than the smaller muscles.
Pick Up Heavier Weights—Use heavy weights at a very slow rate to break down your muscles.  Your metabolism goes up while your body makes muscle repairs. Just make sure you consume a bit of protein within at least 30-60 minutes after a hard work out so you don’t do the opposite-lose muscle!
Once again though, losing weight still boils down to eating less, moving more, life balance, the right nutrients and real unprocessed food

Friday, January 28, 2011

Metabolism Boosters - 1

Most dieters habitually dream about having a better metabolism to lose weight. There are the usual  fads that  out there but really there are a few things that you can do to increase your metabolic rate. Just note that there’s still work involved when you are losing weight. Metabolism boosters are not the magic bullet!

Here’s a few that have been clinically studied for efficacy. Some do more than others and some are certainly better for your health than others, which I'll discuss.

Do Interval training— what this is, is simply exercising normally and adding some fast-paced segments into your routine. Interval training can raise your metabolic rate higher than a steady cardio workout can. Read, Ready, Set, Go by Phil Campbell, for the specifics.
Drink Green Tea—Studies have found that people who drank three to five cups daily for three months cut 5 percent off their body weight. You can also take this in supplemental form. Green tea contains ECGC, a plant compound that promotes a better metabolism. Green tea is also being studied for preventing cancer, another good bonus for consuming it

More to come later in the week.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

B12 and Weight Loss

With all the hoopla over low vitamin D levels, many people do not realize  health problems may be associated with B12 deficiencies too. Most people think vegetarians are the only ones who are at risk but people over 60 are especially at risk.  It’s been estimated than one in four of our population is low in this important nutrient.
So what happens when we are low on vitamin B12? One of the biggest issues is low energy levels and lower mental alertness.(That sure doesn't help when a person wants to focus on weight loss).  It also has an effect in normalizing homocysteine levels for a healthy heart and it’s a great support for stress, sleeplessness and even the immune system. But particularly important B12 deficiency may affect  people with weight issues and having diabetes.  B12 supports converting carbohydrates into a usable form of energy and converting fat into energy. So despite any clinical evidence it may help you lose weight.
The older you get the more likely you are to have a vitamin B12 deficiency.  The two ways that you become deficient in vitamin B12 are from not getting enough in your diet and from losing the ability to absorb it. As you age and/or consume more unhealthy foods from the Standard American  Diet (SAD) your stomach may lose its ability to produce hydrochloric acid which induces the release of B12 directly from food.
Using a lot of antacids, acid blockers or anti-ulcer drugs will also lower your stomach acid secretion and decrease your ability to absorb vitamin B12.  Infection with Helicobacter pylori, (a common contributor to stomach ulcers) can also result in vitamin B12 deficiency. 
 Sometimes a situation occurs when  your stomach lining loses its ability to produce what they call the intrinsic factor, a protein that binds to vitamin B12 which allows your body to absorb it at the end of your small intestine.
The answer then may be to take digestive enzymes and/or hydrochloric acid to help you absorb B12 or even taking sublingual forms and/or injections that are more readily absorbed by the body. Just refer to a qualified health professional for advice before just randomly taking it. All vitamins work together like an orchestra and if one is out of tune you know what happens to the melody!

Saturday, January 22, 2011

It's Official!

Well it's finally official. Fat is no longer the biggest enemy as far as gaining weight. Just don't overdo as it still contains a lot of calories and too many calories of anything can still pack weight on.  According to Dr. Walter Willet, chairman from the department of nutrition at the Harvard School of Public Health, "Fat is not the problem. If Americans could eliminate sugary beverages, white bread  pasta, white rice and sugary snacks, we would wipe out almost all the problems we have with weight, diabetes and other metabolic disease." Actually most breads, even whole grain breads, pastas and the like are still pretty processed and should be consumed sparingly in my opinion.

I do have to agree though, what he talks about is pretty much true.  In moderation, those things can be a small part of a person's diet. I've never been one to believe in total deprivation so now and then you might indulge, but again, do it in moderation and don't do it everyday. It's what you do 85% of the time that matters. My clients usually do well with 40%-50% total carb intake (this includes fruits, veggies, dairy and starches total). Athletes probably need more of course.

Readers what do you think?

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Electrolyte Options in Beverages

Lately I've been discussing so-called energy drinks. There's still another class of beverages that fit into this category. 

These other "electrolyte" forms of energy drinks are honestly, plain sugar and food colorings with a few added minerals to them which you are paying big bucks for. You can get the same thing by squeezing the juice of a whole fresh lemon (about 2 tablespoons to 1 cup of water; this provides the needed potassium) and adding a pinch of salt (sodium) to some filtered bottled. Add stevia for sweetness or a few teasoons of sugar if you must, for actual calories needed for energy. You'll have the needed minerals and a lot less refined sugar. And note that unless you are literally doing well over an hour of intense exercise you don't need the extra sugar calories. You would be much better off with a small piece of low-fat cheese and a small apple within 30 minutes of your exercise.

Others options: purchase a calcium and magnesium drink in a fizzie form callled "Calm" and again add the 2 tablespoons of fresh lemon juice and a pinch of salt. Emergen-C is a choice for electrolytes and comes with a kids version as well. Oxylent is still another newer product used for electrolyte replacement. These all offer much more than the traditional sugar inflated "energy" drinks.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Problems with Energy Drinks

The other day I talked about so-called energy drinks. Today I want to mention some of the dangers when manufacturers  boast of their products increasing energy and even libido (what teen-ager needs that anyway?) and providing the stamina to party all night long. I shutter when I see cases of the stuff  leaving Costco. Drinking a few cups of coffee might be a pick-me-up now and then but large amounts might make a person  edgy, upset your digestive system, and probably adds to the already high population of those who have insomnia.

The problem with young adults using them when mixing them with alcohol, is that they could potentially allow for a fatigued driver to keep driving, while still being intoxicated. The caffeine just disguises the effects of alcohol and a person would not even know just how intoxicated he may be. Also note that the FDA made a strong statement against them and now they are being recalled and actually recycled as gasoline!  There was also a recall because of tampering with the drinks, adding razor blades (in the tube forms). So, apparently there are a lot of other good reasons to avoid them.

Saturday, January 15, 2011


According to the FDA when you read the term energy on a label, energy simply means that the food item supplies calories to the consumer. That’s all. So in a society that is pretty well energy zapped we all seek out products to provide us with that magic element to keep us going throughout the day.

Energy drinks promoted particularly to teen-agers are not an exception and actually can be dangerous. They advertise a dazzling array of energy-pick me-ups that are just really nothing but a band-aid for the real thing. Honestly, caffeine or caffeine containing substances like guarana or yerba mate, are the real stimulants regardless of what the label says. But buyer beware, because it provides a false energy it will only make you feel more tired later on, and you will be heading for a crash. If it’s continued on for long periods of time it can become addictive and hard on your adrenal glands. Sure there are added herbs, vitamins and amino acids and when supervised properly, over time can help pep you up in a natural way but should be done under professional supervision with a qualified nutritionist. Later this week I’ll finish up on this topic.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Getting Started

I've spent a long time on the topic of goal setting because, well, it's January and that's what we do, sometimes. Have you gotten started on your SMART goals yet or are you still stuck? Try this. Give yourself at least one single good day of plain healthy eating or working on the SMART goal plan. You can do anything for at least one day, right?

Once you do that one daunting task you will feel lighter, happier and you’ve got a running start!

Starting is always the hardest part anyway.  It's like climbing up a steep mountain,  then after the first few big thrusts, the rest is easier - it just picks up its own momentum. If  you just keep going, you'll develop your own momentum. 

Just tell yourself you’ll do it for just one day and that may be enough. You're not committing to days and months with it. As I said,what usually happens on that one single day is that you’ve got your start and you are on your way! 

 Make this a HAPPY NEW YOU this year!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

SMART Goals Defined -3

 Today we are fishing up on SMART goals as related to weight loss. The R in SMART goals stands for realisitic. You have to be honestly willing and actually able to do the work involved even if you need a litle help to attain it. Sometimes you may set a goal that is much too high so make it do-able but also realize if it’s a bit of a stretch it may make it more of a motivator for you. You must also believe in your heart you really can accomplish it and that’s where many a dieter fails with self-sabataging thinking and resulting failure.

Realize thousands have lost weight before you and you can too. If you have tried and failed too many previous times before, you might examine the possiblility of having a medical condition or an unresolved emotional concern that needs to be addressed professionally. You need to explore these areas ahead of time under the question of what situations exist that challenge you?

The T in Smart goals means timely. It speaks for itself. A goal should a specific time frame with a few extra weeks allowed for unexpected setbacks (they will happen, they are just part of the process so do not beat yourself up when they occur; it will only set you back further).  Without a definite time there's no sense of urgency. You have to set both your unconscious and conscious mind into motion. They work together. Write your goal down!

So if you haven’t started by now, what are you waiting for?

Sunday, January 9, 2011

SMART Goals Defined - 2

 The A in SMART goals means attainable. Attainable is an interesting concept because frequently we just don’t have the needed faith in ourselves. But realize once you really clarify a goal (with this method in particular) you come to the realization you want it badly enough and suddenly you become more creative in figuring out ways to achieve your goals in a way that suits you personally. Your attitude takes on a positive spin and you realize you can develop the abilities and skills you need to make your miracle finally happen!

I'll finally finish up on the next blog. I hope you are working on these!!!

Thursday, January 6, 2011

SMART Goals Defined - 1

Now we are ready to really set goals. Keeping Tuesday's questions in mind, let's get started with real goal setting! SMART:

S means specific. What is it that you want to accomplish with your weight loss goal? Determine a specific amount. You can always adjust later. You simply can't just say "I want to lose weight" without any destination in mind.  Here is when defining a specific amount, plan,  particular person or place is significant in your overall plan.  It might be advised to identify your personal motivation for wanting to lose weight (benefits) so you can revisit that when temptation comes around.

M stands for measurable, meaning how you will define how and when you will measure your progress?  How will you set weekly or monthly goals? I suggest using a food diary and chart it down to make sure you are moving toward your goal and really making sure you are following the plan correctly.(Studies prove a diary works!) You might even get someone to check it over. What I see happen all too often is people just think they are following a plan when in reality they simply are not. You might consider a weight loss facility for accountability and professional guidance.

Later I'll finish up on SMART goals.